Dead and alive

Mayank Jindal
3 min readSep 13, 2022


The one that was dead cannot be brought back. The one whom is alive can’t be forced upon to take their own life away.

Aliveness is temperament, every day it is a fight against the society and the people that are part of that societal structure.

You know, I don’t know much except eating and sleeping. Many a times people close to me made me to believe upon the same detrimental idea “You don’t know anything except eating and sleeping alone”.

In school kids used to say to me -”He is an idiot. Don’t ever care you guys! about what he just said to you. Whatever he keeps saying time & again makes no sense at all”

Photo by Hanna Sauchuk on Unsplash

Alone, ask me what it means to be alone and to feel lonely all day. Every second, the clock is ticking away, the time is fading away in duties that it has been assigned with.

I don’t have much to say but society has forced me much to believe into. I can’t be living or I won’t be dying and maybe our life and death altogether is based on the decision of people we’ve not even met once in our life as a whole.

Photo by Paul Garaizar on Unsplash

I am afraid of people or you could say people are afraid of me. Context is same, but ideologies behind it are different.

One could be a sign of great positivity whereas another could take all of us together down to hell. I can’t be saying much because whatever that I would be saying to you makes no sense. This is what I believe.

Photo by Pacto Visual on Unsplash

Everybody thinks stray animals have no concept of life and death in them but dogs mourns when their team mate dies out in the quest for survival. They could live or die and no one would ever be caring about them, the society.

Everywhere is conflict, the conflict of ideas, values, opinions and stereotypes. I am feeling lost, nothing is ever permanent. Permanence is a blatant lie that made us to believe our life is really worth it.

For you to live and die maybe I won’t even know you and thinking about your life and death is again a blatant lie.

I can lie all day, all night. I could be sleeping but fighting with strangers in my dreams. Everywhere is fog, everywhere is dry and hot.

Aliveness has evaporated and that is why ‘I’ never likes living here but looking for some place alone in the mighty woods of the forest.

Photo by Geran de Klerk on Unsplash


To me, nature is the real deal in-fact nature is trying to keep us all alive and breathing but nature, it ends with a question mark!

Now I can just eat & sleep because that is all that is left for me in this world.

Go outside and try seeing once again from fresh mind, Anyway you would get me.

If not, then I would get to you. That’s a promise from my side!

